With four distinctive seasons, each with their own unique personalities, Sweden is the perfect year-round holiday destination.
Spring into life
The approach of spring signals an end to the dark nights of the Swedish winter. The light and landscapes burst into life and pretty flora colours the towns and countryside. Mild temperatures make this a great time of year to explore.
Summer fun
There’s nothing like summer in Sweden. The days are long and pleasant and, with the midnight sun illuminating the sky, they feel almost never-ending. Outdoor living is embraced: take an evening dip in a sun-warmed lake, unwind on a peaceful evening cruise, or dance and sing your way through the traditional Midsummer celebrations.
Autumn walks
With autumn comes the beautiful site of Sweden’s mass of forests transforming into a sea of brilliant golden leaves. Temperatures remain surprisingly warm and the weather is clear and bright, with plenty of daylight lingering for an evening walks in the woods.
Winter wonderland
The Swedish countryside transforms into an idyllic winter wonderland come October. The town and cities twinkle with candlelight and there are numerous wonderful festive markets and concerts to enjoy. The North of the country is one of the few places on earth where you can also see the magnificent Northern Lights.
To find out more about Sweden and to start planning your tailor-made escape, please visit www.sunvil.co.uk/sweden or call 020 8758 4722.