Return flight from Bridgetown Barbados to Gatwick. Check-in very quick with meet and greet and check in agent very friendly. Gave me directions as it was first time using this airport. Went into duty free shops on way to gate. Plenty of seating at gate and flight called in an orderly manner. Boarding greeting was warm. Had booked extra legroom Economy aisle seat. Blanket, eyeshades, headset, water and amenity pack on seat.
Unfortunately, once airborne a scuffle ensued between two male passengers. One was objecting to the other walking in front of him as he was seated in extra legroom seats. This crew had failed to make announcement about respecting the space of passengers who had purchased these seats and the guilty passenger didn’t want to walk to toilet at rear of aircraft. Fairly quick bar and meal service then lights out. Duty free trolley passed through and I obtained my pre-ordered bottle of Grey Goose. Lights went on again one and half hours out of Gatwick for breakfast. Very poor offering. Hot, sickly sweet croissant with an equally sweet fruit yoghurt and granola bar. Juice supplied as well as tea and coffee. Sun coming up as we landed on time at Gatwick.