SANKAR GOMPA is situated in the suburbs of Ley and is unusual because it is not built on a hill.
This is a quiet and peaceful spot. It is a small Gompa with about 25 monks and gets few visitors. Guide books give opening times of morning and evening. We visited at midday and found a monk to let us in through the big metal doors and to open the Dukhang (Main Assembly Hall) for us.
Inside the walls is a small garden surrounded by a covered walkway and the Dukhang on one side. The pathway from the gateway had the eight lucky signs painted on it.
The Lotus flower represents purity and enlightenment. The Endless Knot represents harmony. The Golden Fish represent conjugal happiness and freedom. The Victory Banner represents victory. The Dharma Wheel represents knowledge The Vase represents fulfilment and log life.The Parasol represents protection from the elements. The Conch Shell represents the awakening of sentient beings to the thoughts of Budha.
The Dukhang is a simple, whitewashed building, with steps up to the temple. Inside the walls are covered with paintings. The throne of the head monk is facing the doorway with the benches for the monks at right angles to it.
Our pictures begin here.