With friends of old who live in The Netherlands I was taken to Leerdam, Zuid-Holland. In the UK we can buy Leerdammer cheese, but Leerdam is also well known for its Glass Museum and Glassworks. The most famous Dutch designer of glassware and decorative glass is Andries Copier (1901-1991) and he could be regarded as the embodiment of Dutch twentieth-century glass. Almost 2000 items of his work is exhibited in the National Glass Museum in Leerdam – he left behind an enormous oeuvre of more than 10,000 designs for utilitarian and decorative glass ranging from tableware and vases to the 'Leerdam Unica' art glass. A catalogue called "Complete Copier" is available both in English and in Dutch.
There are many glass boutiques in the town and a market.
On the day of our visit a Glass March took place through the town by a parade of floats of musicians.
The area is also good for walks, boat trips and car and cycle tours.
There were not many foreigners when my friends and I visited even though it was a Saturday.