We’d spotted “Asian Dining and Cafe Mew’z”:http://mewzcafe.com/ the previous day and thought it looked interesting. So having had a long day out exploring Kyoto, we decided to explore as it wasn’t far from our hotel.
As well as being an informal café, we discovered it was also an arts and craft shop where you sat surrounded by lovely things that you might be tempted by, but which you didn’t need, couldn’t afford or wouldn’t want to cart around with you.
Despite its informality, the service was warm, friendly and efficient and we quickly had reasonably priced bottles of white and red wine on our table along with a jug of water. Whilst English wasn’t widely spoken, we managed to communicate by pointing at the helpful English menu.
Having chosen mains, we then decided to have nibbles whilst waiting and shared fresh tuna wrapped in rice paper and avocado and prawns wrapped in some kind of leaf. There were two completely different dipping sauces – one soy sauce based with the other being red and spicy. Our evening was off to a good start.
Next up was our meals from all around Asia. Without planning it, we’d each chosen a dish from a different country: Vietnamese prawn curry, Thai green chicken curry, Indonesian nasi goreng and Malaysian laska. All were good and as Roy and I had been to all the countries, we thought they were pretty authentic and there was much tasting of each others dishes. Portion sizes were not huge but reflected the relatively low price of around £5.50 each.
On our way out we browsed around the statues, cushions, scarves and other objet d’art but resisted (as we had pudding and Vietnamese coffee).