This is a very steep V shaped valley with a wooded bottom and tall bare limestone cliffs with even narrower side valleys off it. The N621, the main road between Potes and Unquera runs through the gorge. It is narrow, windy with a lot of blind corners. It follows the line of the cliff above the river for 21km. There are no overtaking signs, virtually no-where to pull of and minimum speed limits apply in places. There are many blind bends where you may meet motor cycles or cars coming at you in the wrong lane. The driver doesn’t have chance to admire the scenery, which is stunning with tall bare limestone cliffs an jagged peaks.
There is little settlement along the gorge apart from La Hermida, a small settlement of stone houses with pantiles roofs. This does have a tourist car park down by the river. There is also some parking at the southern end of the gorge where it is possible to get a photograph.
There are several marked walks off the road but nowhere to park at for them.
it is possible to get a view of the gorge by driving along CA884 to above Pendes to a parking area by a grove of very old sweet chestnut trees by a small football pitch. It is a short and easy climb to the ridge for the views.