Avery special occasion and Fred Made it the Tops. Our Golden Wedding Anniversary. In our lovely little cabin when we boarded there on the dressing table was a posy of golden yellow Roses. On the actual day mid-afternoon there was a knock on the door and there was room service with a pretty carrier bag. Inside we found a botlle of Bubbly two glasses a wrapped up present and a card.
In the evening on our table with a family we had been dining with, there was a table arrangement for us to keep and they bought Champagne as did we after. At the end of the meal a beautiful little cake was brought over which we shared and the waiters cameo er with guitars and sang to us. Next day was St Petersburg with its network of canals and golden palaces.
The day before our Anniversary we were in Tallin for their famous Festival which groups from all over the whole country had competed to be in. All day different groups lined up one after the other singing and dancing in their different costumes. It was such fun and so memorable
Of course we had lots of other wonderful visits and Excursions but those three days were the icing on the cake! The cruise took in the Kiel Canal and Denmark and Estonia amongst other countries. Certainly recommend it for a celebration and you couldn’t do better than Fred Olsen. What memories of such a wonderful celebration!