Holding our breaths we booked, what we thought was a rather silly, hilarious venture into an early Christmas treat, Turkey & Tinsel at Cricket St. Thomas. Everyone said we must be mad to start sampling the festivities so early in November.
Well, the joke was on them. This beautiful historic house was sparkling with decorations, lights, fun, music and dancing. And the fantastic Christmas trees bordering both sides of the grand staircase just simply dazzled getting all into an early mood for the season ahead. And of course the seasonal food must not be forgotten. All well-chosen, sumptuous and delicious. You will not be going hungry. Evening entertainment was enjoyable and relaxing with the chance to have a drink in a warm atmosphere with like-minded people.
Staying in a signature room and while perfectly acceptable, we discovered there were other historic rooms available, obviously at an upgrade figure, we would like to have the opportunity of one of these. This country hotel has wonderful, landscaped grounds to lose yourselves in, a swimming pool and the staff who seem to love it too.
Don’t laugh at yourselves – go and try it, you may be surprised!