In the middle of Brigg, just behind the Market place, St John the Evangelist is a typical example of an unadorned Victorian Gothic church dating from the mid C19th. It has an offset square tower with large bell windows and corner pinnacles. The nave has more pinnacles at the west end and lower side aisle with buttresses with triangular tops separating the double lancet windows. Entry is either through the south door, off Wrawby Street or the north door leading to Bigby Street.
It is light and airy inside with whitewashed walls, dark wood ceiling and polished pews. Octagonal pillars with pointed arches separate nave and side aisles. Above are plain glass clerestory windows. The other windows are C19th or C20th stained glass. Early saints feature prominently with St Paulinus, St Chad, St Aiden and St Cuthbert. The east window has Christ in Glory in the centre. On his right is St John the Evangelist holding St John’s Church in his hands. Below are scenes of Brigg including the Buttercross, grammar school and the bridge.
Just inside the north door is a stone font although this is rarely used now as in favour of a small wooden font given by the United Reform Church when it closed. This can be moved into the chancel so the congregation are more involved in the service. The floor standing pulpit has a carving of vines and grapes around the top.
The chancel ceiling is vaulted and painted pale blue with tiny gold stars. There are carved and gilded bases to the ribs which are picked out in red. Steps lead up to the altar with a painted retable behind with a painting of the Nativity in the centre with the shepherds and angels on either side. The choir stalls have carved ends.
At the back of the north aisle is a small chapel for private prayer with wood panelled altar and wood panelling on the walls. Above the altar is a wooden triptych which is a memorial to the dead of World War One. On the inside of the doors are the names of the dead. A British Legion flag is propped up in a corner and there are small shields of the British Royal Legion, RAF, Royal Navy and General Service Corps.
On the west wall are banners for the Mothers Union and St John’s Church. Above them is a roundel with seven white doves on a deep blue background with a small gold cross in the centre. Above is the west window set in a rather nice stone surround. At the back of the south aisle is the children’s corner with a small alter, books pencils and paper.
The church is open on a Thursday, Brigg Market Day, and there is a communion Service at 9am. The church then stays open until about 11.30 when refreshments are available.
The post code for St John the Evangelist, Brigg is DN20 8EJ. The grid reference is TA001072.
There are more pictures “here.”: