A big and rather beautiful ship until full to the brim with noisy families who paid no attention to clear rules e.g. no more than 8 in the jacuzzis! Many bars as you would expect on a large ship and a great variety of drinks but queues to get served seemed endless.
Outdoor pool freezing and indoor one not much warmer.
Buffet food generally good and varies but get there early to avoid the scrum!
Cabin was fine but no movies on the in-cabin Tv, just BBC1 and BBC2 when close to the UK.
My biggest concern was the apparent lack of priority for biosecurity – many of the hand sanitizers were either empty or non functioning and the gym was the worse with use of mats by multiple people with no request to clean them. Early morning gym visits were met by shelves devoid of towels. Having said that the gym itself was well equipped.
If you choose the Yacht Club be warned the restaurant is at the opposite end of the ship which involves going down a deck and walking through the chaos of the aqua park or going down to deck 7 and wading through the myriad of bars. Not good for people with mobility issues. And if you were anticipating a quietly serene area of the ship actually the YC welcomes children and they are just as adept at creating noise and disturbance whether in the main part of the ship or the lofty confines of the YC!
As with so many cruise ships the staff were mainly really lovely and so hard working.