This is one of a series of detailed reviews I have written about Burghley House.
The wonderful HEAVEN ROOM is the last of the rooms in the South Wing and must rank as one of the most spectacular rooms in an already spectacular House. It is acclaimed as Verrio’s masterpiece and walls and ceiling are covered with scenes from ancient mythology complete with a rainbow. It actually feels as if the figures are stepping into the room.
Don’t miss the lovely self portrait of Verrio on the end wall at the base of the forge of the one eyed cyclops He has taken off his customary wig, no doubt reflecting the heat of the forge!
The massive solid silver wine cooler was made in 1710 and weighs over 230pounds and is reputedly the largest in existence.
The Heaven Room opens onto the appropriately named HELL STAIRCASE. This was the last painting Verrio did at Burghley and it depicts Hell as the enormous open mouth of a cat which is swallowing souls in torment.
There was no money to paint the walls and these were eventually finished over a century later.
The lovely cantilever double staircase leads back down to a lobby on the ground floor with paintings and statues.