Argostoli is in Kefalonia, Greece. It is a port of call for Royal Caribbean Cruises and also a holiday destination (we met some people there on a fortnights holiday).
Argostoli seems to be surviving on past glories (the tour guide said that it was visited by film stars). In my opinion this must have been years ago.
This town was devastated by an earthquake in 1952 and therefore apart from a small church there are few, if any, buildings standing from before that date. There is a small tourist train presumably to show the highlights of the town but frankly because of the above there weren’t any which left one feeling ripped off.
There are a few bars and beach shops but no other shops to speak of however turtles swim into the bay early morning when the fishing boats are unloading their catch. We were lucky to catch sight of one early afternoon – the highlight of our visit.
Tourists told us that Argostoli had suffered another small earthquake last year (2014) and that a few rumblings were felt at the end of May early June this year(2015). Consequently, unless you have a wish to spend your holiday in the centre of an earthquake zone with very little entertainment then Argostoli is a place to avoid.