I experienced a wonderful belated birthday surprise last week when some girlfriends treated me to climb over the Millennium Dome or 02 dome as it is now called. We caught the Clipper from Westminster which was an amazing experience in itself and we disembarked at Greenwich. The dome stood majestically in front of us and we made our way to the entrance for our briefing by our guide for the day called Ben who was so knowledgeable and made the next hour and a half such fun and enlightening. It is totally safe and after we dinner special suits and our jackets we were shown how to put on the safety harnesses. It took about an hour to climb and come down again but we spent about 20 minutes on the top platform taking pictures and looking for landmarks. A brilliant day. If you are looking for a special day then this is it and would highly recommend it for a special treat. Grandchildren would love it but check out how old the minimum age is. Go go go!