This is a flat in a tenement building where all the other apartments continue to be lived in today. Shorthand typist Miss Agnes Toward lived in this flat from 1911 to 1965. She loved and preserved her possessions so we can see them today. I was particularly interested in how she lived as my fraternal granny was also a shorthand typist in the early 1900s so it was really interesting to discover how a young woman lived at that time.
The first surprise was a fully fitted bathroom; this was not the tenement of a poor person. The kitchen was complete with a polished range and even a pot of homemade plum jam dated 1929. The front room is furnished with black horsehair reclining chairs and, of course, the necessary piano. The whole flat has original gas lighting. I was particularly intrigued by the box beds adjacent to both the kitchen and front room.
Altogether the apartment was so authentic in every detail. I felt as if Miss Toward might appear at the door at any moment.