Saturday matinee Senior ticket @ £26.25 Circle.
It was a great idea to celebrate Mum’s 92nd birthday – to see Flavia and Vincent from Strictly Come Dancing in their show “The Last Tango”. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel well enough to travel to Coventry so we all celebrated in her absence!
Seeing them on TV performing their amazing Argentine Tango routines doesn’t really give you any diea of what a full-length show would include. Surely they cannot just tango for two and a half hours? But, what an entertaining afternoon it turned out to be.
The scene is set as an old loft above the stage, an old chap sorting through various boxes and cases, uncovering the odd things we all accumulate, each bringing back a specific memory.
Vincent was him as a young man, Flavia his wife, dancing through scenes from the old man’s life. It was great fun, moving through decades with changing music and fashions, basically showing their love story. Excellent supporting dancers and singers added to the lively atmosphere and helping the story to move on.
It was a touching reflection on love, and ultimately loss, expertly presented through contrasting dance routines. Their tango was there of course, and though they still move so beautifully together, the closeness and spark is not quite thee. Definitely worth seeing as the last of their 3 shows before they finally retire from touring (as I understand from the literature).