Never heard of it before, but if you see it advertised near you then do go and see it.
Based on “fractal geometry” it is made up of 81 triangles of glass each suspended from its own wire connected to its individual motor above. These then move at different speeds to form patterns, and once every sixty minutes they line up exactly to form what looks like a large flat triangle – but only for a second before they start their individual journey again.
The Welsh artist, Richard Downing, refers to it as a “dance of holes across the stage of an hour”, and there is a key position from which to view it on the hour. The gallery has set up a dais with steps for people to sit on and a comfy armchair in key position – get there early enough to bag the perfect position! He has also produced a Fractal Clock using pieces of slate, but using glass in this case adds to the feeling of it being fragile yet eternal.
Excellent stuff no matter what age you are, it really is a fascinating sight.