It had been a cold and damp morning around Scarborough and I needed something to warm me up. Let’s face it, you can’t go to the sea side and NOT have fish and chips.
There are loads of places to choose to eat in Scarborough. I decided on “The Anchor”: which is set back off the road and overlooks the harbour. It is an attractive building with inside and n outside seating. It looked clean and inviting. It was also busy which is a good sign!
The outside tables had canopies protecting against the rain and there were also two outside burners providing some heat.
Covid restrictions worked well and staff made sure tables were wiped and disinfected between use. There was a member of staff outside to meet and greet and generally organise. Orders were placed and paid for at the till (contactless preferred). I was given a ticket number and waited to be called to collect my order. It was a huge portion of fish with plenty of chips served in a polystyrene box with a wooden spoon. It would have fed two! Once finished this could be disposed of in a bin.
The food was freshly cooked, very hot and the batter very crisp. Another boon was the clean toilets….
Definitely recommended!