Whilst staying in Montenegro’s coastal town Ulcinj, our hotel, the Palata Venezia, was located in the old town, high above the new more touristy part. Our Bradt travel guide suggested that the Terra Promessa had great views of the sun going down.
It was only a short walk from our hotel, but as the old town is hilly and cobbled, it took a little while to negotiate the labyrinth of alleys. We found a laid-back, quiet restaurant with outside terrace which straddled a narrow street. We had a G&T and as the sun was taking a long time to set, had another. We suspect that more gin had to be brought in for the second drink, as we noticed a waiter nipping out and bringing back a jug. We were so comfortable, we decided to stay for dinner.
Fishing and seaside items like nets, stones and driftwood adorned the walls and ceiling. We were the only two customers for most of the evening, although another couple eventually arrived and thoughtfully chose the terrace on the opposite side of the narrow street.
We decided on a Promessa Salad, a huge, beautifully arranged plate of a feta-like cheese, lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage and delicious, small, salty black and green olives. We then moved on to a pizza with prosciutto which was tasty and just the right size. We were too full for coffee or dessert. The prices were standard and with a litre of house white, which the owner said he’d made, the bill was €39 – complimentary sunset included.
From our high vantage point, we’d noticed people walking up to a by now, lit up section of wall and disappearing through a gate. So, after dinner, we went exploring down a huge volume of steps and found a sunset bar. However, we decided against stopping for a nightcap bearing in mind the climb back up to our hotel.