We finally succumbed to the £9.50 caravan holidays (well, he did, I knew it would be fine) and payed our £38.00 plus £1.90 booking fee and a further £27.60 for power etc, hope you're adding this up. We arrived Monday lunchtime and the weather was beautiful, got to our caravan and were quite happy. It was in a lovely woody location quite close to the many lakes, it was clean, spacious for just the two of us and the sunshine was pouring in so a great start. I picked this particular site as it was quite a drive from the coast and didn't offer many children's facilities cos we just wanted a quiet break and I was really pleased I did. The site was large with lots of lakes, an indoor pool with sauna and steam room and a couple of bars if you wanted a drink or a bite to eat. Now let me tell you about the ducks, what clever little fellas they were, they knew exactly which part of the caravan you were in, and knew that when they saw you through the frosted glass door that it was feeding time and up the steps they came,1, 2, 5, 9, 15 … lost count but they were a treat to watch and give your toast crusts to. I had my little ugly favourite, was he a swan? The surrounding area was great, we went to a pretty little town called Woodhall Spa specifically to go to the Kinema in the woods, one of the oldest and quaintest which was a fab night out with an Indian meal in the local restaurant. All in all, a lovely stay but with one big drawback which was the aircraft noise constantly overhead, it didn't bother us too much but after about day 3 the novelty was wearing thin and we were ready to come home and to be able to hear the tv properly so I would suggest earplugs although it generally stopped by about 11.30 (loads of airforce bases in the area). So £67.50, what a bargain and what a pleasure.