Having done a lot of walking it was still only 2.15pm and I decided it was too early to finish our sightseeing day and so dragged a rather reluctant Roy into the free Takayama Museum of History and Art.
The museum was housed in an old store house over 2 floors (lift available). Although we were given a handout in English, this was one of those easily navigable places with lots of arrows telling you how to get to the next numbered room so you didn’t miss anything out.
The museum covered culture, history and art of the area and there was a special exhibition of the founding Yajima and Nagata families over six generations in the Edo period (the castle town was founded 400 years ago).
There was a great video of Takayama in the 1960s showing daily life but unfortunately there were no seats, it was rather cold and Roy realised it was 25 minutes long. Likewise there was a video of the snow festival in Sappora which we’d like to have seen more of if only there had been some seats.