The tall steeple of St John’s Methodist Church dominates Mostyn Street. It was built in 1866 when Llandudno was rapidly developing as a tourist resort. It was the first Methodist church to be built in the area. The nave was originally built with a hammer beam roof but this was replaced by the present ‘flat roof’ after ten years as the then Minister couldn’t cope with the echoes it caused.
The church had a major restoration in the 1980s after the adjacent car park was sold off. The town council were planning to pedestrianise Mostyn Street and had warned the church they would no longer have access to the car park for weddings and funerals unless they gave three months notice. Weddings wouldn’t be a problem but this was completely impractical for funerals. The decision was taken to sell the car park and use the money to restore the church. Mostyn Street was never pedestrianised but worshippers had a warm, modern and leak proof church.
The walls were repointed and plastered. The old dark varnished pews were sold and replaced by the modern light wood pews. The east window which had been blocked off since the 1950s because of damp was replaced with three new stained glass windows. new windows were put in the transepts. That in the north transept depicts john Wesley, the Father of Methodism, preaching. That in the south transept shows Jesus with the fishermen.
This is a very attractive church with a modern feel. It is open for the six week summer holiday and on Friday mornings as there is a coffee morning in the church hall. They also have a Thursday lunch club but places do have to be booked. There are also male voice choir concerts during the summer months.
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