The Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh is FREE. There is a fee to enter the Glasshouses but entry to the garden is free.
Stroll, enjoy the rhododendron and magnolia displays in the spring. Loads of sunny, sheltered corners to sit in the sun and smell the lovely plants, shrubs and flowers.
Feed the squirrels, feed the ducks, watch the moorhens nestbuilding, see the Chinese gardens.
Visit The Queen Mother Memorial Garden – stunning. Plants representing every corner of the world she visited. Look at the Rock Garden.
I could go on. Tired , hungry or thirsty? Visit either of two cafes or eat in the Gallery Restaurant flooded by sunlight. Browse and buy in the Garden Shop.
Let the kids romp on many of the grassy areas, follow the various trails, watch the dedicated staff always busy planting, repairing, tidying, while you relax.
What’s not to like for a lovely day at a leisurely pace?