When we first went into Lockdown 1 a year ago, I made a point of going for a walk every day. I was determined to come out of lockdown leaner and fitter. I may not be leaner, but am definitely fitter…
Ridge Walk is still one of my favourite walks and I have enjoyed watching the changes over the last year. I am now nearly full cycle since my first review.
There is always something new to see at this time of year. The trees are coming into leaf, greening the walk. Blackthorn is always the first shrub to flower with lots of white blossom coming out before the leaves. It looks wonderful at the moment. Once the flowers have gone, it is fades into significance against the rest of the greenery. The banks below are covered with violets. They are making the most of the sunlight before the surrounding vegetation grows up and shades them out.
The grass at the start of the walk along West Common Lane has been covered with bright yellow coltsfoot flowers and there are dandelions in flower. The cowslips are coming into flower in the ‘cowslip meadow’ by the car park off Kingsway.
With the sun shining and the birds singing, it lifts the heart!