One of the advantages of doing a walk regularly is watching the changes. There are still a few flowers on the blackberries and it looks as if it is going to be a good year for fruit. I must remember to take a basket with me in a few weeks time!
The verges are now getting overgrown with ranker vegetation. As well as the grasses, brambles and docks are taking over along with ragwort, and shading out many of the smaller plants. Taller plants like rosebay willowherb and its less showy cousin, the great hairy willowherb as well as St John’s Wort tower above the grasses. Others are the climbers like the bindweeds or meadow pea with its tendril which help it scramble up to the light.
The cowslip meadow meadow which was covered with bright yellow bird’s foot trefoil last month is now turning mauve with meadow cranesbill and tufted vetch.