Bredons is an attractive small hamlet of dark stone cottages. The church is at end of a lane away from the village. There is some parking here and splendid views.
Prieuré Bénédictin de Bredons is all that is left of a small 11thC priory, built on the site of an ancient chapel of St Timothy. It was dedicated to Saint Peter and St Paul and fortified during the 14th and 15thC. It never had more than six monks and a prior. The priory buildings surrounded a square cloister. It was always poorly maintained and disbandoned during the Revolution. The buildings were plundered for building stone. The church was restored in the early 19thC when there was a revival of religion.
It is a massive stone structure with very solid square tower with a small triangular top. There is a huge arch over the south doorway. This has three round pillars on each side supporting beautifully carved arches with a grotesque head carved above the central arch. Above are two small slit windows with what looks like a latrine between them.
The inside has the wow factor with massive stone steps at back leading to a gallery, a massive nave with huge pillars with carved tops supporting arches and side chapels with elaborate retables. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the beautiful gilt painted retable above the HIGH ALTAR. Dated 1706 it is one of the largest and most beautiful in the Haute-Auvergne.
It is made of wood, but the altar base is painted to look like marble. It has a carving of the Lamb of God on the base surrounded by gilt garlands. There is more gilt on the blue frieze painted round the top. Behind is the massive retable with red panels on the base set in a turquoise surround, both painted to resemble marble. Above these are gilt painted panels with the host box standing on a base of carved pillars and arches with a dome above. On either side are two massive carved pillars with barleycorn twists and grapes carved on them.
In the centre is a painting of the Ascension of Christ in an elaborate arch dated 1710. On either side is a gilt figures standing on a pedestal supported by cherub heads with more cherub heads above. Standing on top of the retable in a portico is the figure of God the Father surrounded by more scrolls and cherub heads. On the back wall above the retable are paintings of two trees, one with a serpent twinning round the trunk.
In a niche to the left of the High Altar is a carving of Coeur de Jesus with an old painting of Mary and Jesus behind.
The SOUTH AISLE chapels have beautifully carved wooden screens across with flowers and heads. The Retable de la Vierge has a bulbous wooden altar with a small statue of the Virgin on top. Blue and gilt retable has two angels in the centre holding a gilt crown with flower garlands below and scrolls and flowers on either side. Above is a carved nativity scene with a small cherub’s head above. There are more carved wooden panels round the base of the chancel pillars.
The Retable de St Joseph next to it has a stone altar with a small wooden retable above with a very old and dark painting. Red and yellow flowers and scrolls are painted on either side. At the top is a small blue niche with more flowers and decoration.
The NORTH AISLE has a series of altars along it. Next to the Chancel is the Retable of St Timothy on the east wall. Barley corn twist pillars with carved vines surround a blank frame. There are cherubs on top of the pillars and a cherub head on the top of the retable.
Next to it on north wall is Chapelle FUNERAIRE. This has a dark blue retable with a carving of Christ on the cross. There are skull and crossbones painted on side panels and tear drops. At the bottom is a small wooden carving of the Virgin carrying a small Jesus. Above is a bright blue canopy with a sun, moon and stars.
The next chapel contains the Retable de Rosarie. There is a wooden altar on the north wall painted green, yellow and brown to resemble marble. The centre is now empty. The shelves of the retable have green and gilt scrolls. Pillars have carved gilt grapes. The frame has gilt apples, pears, and grapes with green leaves. There is a carving of an angel holding a cross on the top with cherub heads.
The Retable du Couronnement de la Vierge next. The altar is a stone pedestal with a big rough stone slab. The retable is painted wood with a white background and has barleycorn twist pillars with painted black and white grapes with green leaves. There are blue flowers with leaves and garlands of fruit on the sides. A decorative narrow frame has a picture of Mary surrounded by shepherds praying with sheep, oxen, dove and two figures above; one holding a cross.
In the nave next to this is Retable de l’ex voto. This has an 18thC carved wood box altar again painted to resemble marble, with painted flowers and leaves round the edges. In the centre is a picture of the Virgin with cherub heads . On each side is a niche with a pedestal, which should have housed a statue. Now they have a vase of flowers. There are cherub heads at the corners of the retable and a heart above the picture with more cherub heads and vases with carved wood flowers.
Retable de l’Assumption is on the north wall next to the Retable du Couronnement de la Vierge. The altar has a stone base with a stone slab above. The wood retable behind is painted to look like marble. It has blue barleycorn twist pillars with gilt grapes and gilt crowns on the top. A picture of Mary surrounded by cherubs is set in a gilt frame. There are cherubs above the picture and the figure of God the Father with two tiny figures above.
In the nave next to it is the Retable Deo Patri dated 1753. Again the altar base is painted to resemble marble. Above is an elaborately carved retable with 2 cherub heads supporting a niche which now holds a vase and flowers. There are gilt carvings of flowers and fruits, leaves and scrolls, with more scrolls on the top round the date which is on a blue background under a basket of flowers.
At the back of the church is a memorial to the dead of World War One, with eight names on it. There is a stone sarcophagus by the south door with stone slab next to it which has a carved cross. There is an 18thC large oak chest, Coffre des Marguilliers. There is a small stone font by the door and another on the side of the nave pillar at the back of church. The wooden pulpit has gilt stars and fleur de lis on the panels and more fleur de lis round the edge of the sounding board above it. By the side is a small wooden carving of Mary and child.
This is a fascinating place and a delightful setting above valley. It was specially open as part of the journees-du-patrimoine. There is some confusion as to when it is open. If you are wanting to visit, it is sensible to contact the Mairie d'Albepierre Bredons for information.