Millets Falconry is a relatively new attraction – about 2 years old, and has over 80 birds of prey on display, all with names and information about the owl or eagle or other bird of prey. It is well presented and none of the birds are from the wild, so used to people and therefore awake and talking to you as you go around during the day!
We went to a flying display and enjoyed a caracas (from S. America) showing how intelligent he was looking under pots for food and flying over to various posts to get a morsal of meat. He was quite a character bird! Then we saw an Eurasian Eagle owl that enjoyed the outing and had a great walk, lifting up the tail feathers out of any dirt, and a yellow kite flying over us and taking a look at our native red kite that happened to be in the sky at the same time.
It was an enjoyable time and you can pop in and out during the day, going for lunch at Millets Farm restaurant, or seeing their farm animals, visiting the garden centre and doing some shopping for food as well. In the summer you can PYO too!