Twenty-five pirouettes, eighteen cygnets dancing in absolutely perfect formation, an atmospheric and mystical opening from the first bars that never ceased throughout. That is this wonderful, graceful perfomance we saw tonight, the best Swan Lake we have ever seen and we have attended a few.
Sheer professionalism from the huge orchestra and the fantastic, evocative, imaginative designs of the sets and the most sumptuous, stunning costumes – male and female! The dancing was in perfect timing with both each other and the music with choreography with modern twists added to traditional performances.
The premier dancers, Samara Downs, Jamie Bond and Feargus Campbell are joined by Artists of Birmingham Royal Ballet and the orchestra The Royal Ballet Sinfonia is conducted by Koen Kessels. Follow this company if you can, you will not be disappointed. They perform in “Cinderella” next year and we shall be one of the first to book our seats. Only sorry we cannot, as is usual, show photographs as they are not permitted to be taken.
Romantic and beautiful … WOW!!