For once this is an appropriate time to remind ourselves and others a lot, lot younger, of the horrors our forebears endured for us. If you are ever on the South Coast please do visit this enjoyable, informative, First World War Rememberance Centre.
It has been set up primarily to educate and to utilise a considerable collection amassed by enthusiastic people and donations offered by those on learning of the museum, which was only founded last year, 2013, in a partially disused fort, on Portsdown, overlooking Portsmouth. The only, unfortunate, drawback is that has to be approached down some rather steep steps, which rather limits the disabled.
The exhibition is laid out in chronological order, with assistance from one of the curators interjecting with their own glimpses of their own family's war history. If you expect to to find a few fusty photographs and rusty artefacts, please don't. In quite a limited space the team manage to compile the story of the First World War in a way that is far from dull and boring. It is an ever developing exhibition.