The Site is a holiday property bond and you can only go there as a member or a guest of a member.
We have now been to two. HPB sites – One in England and this one in the Canary Isalnds. La Gomera is a small island off Tenerife and only reached by an hour long ferry. THis means you have to want to go there. But is is well worth it as you escape the masses of people and go to a lovely island.
The actual island is an eco system with loads of walks. It is a World Heritage Site and The flora and fauna well proptected and includes 15ft high heather trees. You can catch the local bus for next to nothing and get to see the island at your leisure. Stopping off and wallking then catching a bus back to the start. You must check bus times as they are few and far between but great value and you get to see people you wouldn't normally.
The site is extremely well run with leisure activities that include crocquet, swimming (3 pools), a botanical garden, putting, out side gym equipment. It also has a restuarant and they do run events. You can join in as much or as little as you like and the site is very quiet. The site will rent you out golf clubs if you want to play the spectacular course a couple of miles away.
A small village a 15min walk away which completes the ideal setting as you can potter down and eat in one of the bars and watch people.
All accommodation faces the sea and has either a balcony or terrace. The fittings are of a really high standard.
All in all a great place to escape Jan/Feb when the weather there is sometimes hot buy usually T shirt weather.
Couldn't recommend it enough.