Chikldren today find it almost inconceivable how drab and grey life was during the war…. Imagine life without TVs, computers, mobile phones, and then factor in the blackout, rationing and only one room in the house having any heating. There weren’t fridges or washing machines either.
Everybody was given a National Registration Number and had to carry an Identity Card at all times. This listed their name , sex, age, address occupation and marital status. This information was also shown in their ration book.
Tape was stuck on windows to lessen the danger from shattered glass. Sandbags and blackout appeared. Rationing began and there were less goods available in the shops.
There was less choice with the arrival of Utility clothes, household utensils and furniture. There were strict regulations on the amount of cloth that could be used in garments and regulations about skirt length, number of pockets and buttons. Women made cloths from parachute and curtaining. Old garments were unpicked and used to make new ones.