Well, what can you say? These are powerful women singers that just give their all to the performance. Effie is a big girl (she makes a point of this early on in the show, and later when she is replaced in the group), beautiful and a great presence on stage, and her final song to end Act 1 was truly jaw-dropping – the most heart-felt rendition of “You’re gonna love me” that brought roars from the audience and a tear to everyone’s eye.
It is an interesting storyline, even without the songs, and by Act 2 you soon get to hope the “baddie” gets his comeuppance. So, a satisfying ending to a dazzling show with a brilliant star cast. Wonderful costumes – loved the pages of costume designs in the Programme (£8). My only criticism is that the sound is not quite right – loud, yes of course, but the music was also at the same level as the voices so that you struggle to hear the actual words of the songs in places.
The Savoy Theatre is a beautiful old-style theatre along the Strand from Charing Cross station, next to the Savoy Hotel. If you pre-order tickets for collection from the box Office, make sure you get there before 7.00pm as the queue was all the way up to the main road. They have added a great new feature, the Auditorium Free Seat Delivery. Order your drinks and pay one of the stewards, then they bring it to your seat in a neat little bag! It certainly saves queueing during the interval. Good seat in Dress Circle row G at £35.00