APT are an Australian co. with an excellent reputation, so we booked with them with confidence, and were not disappointed.
We flew to Munich on BA and back from Budapest on BA. In Munich we were met by a rep. who took us by coach to Nuremberg for lunch and a tour of the very attractive town.
When more guests had joined us, on different flights, we joined our boat at Ravensburg and spent a very pleasant week sailing down the Danube to Tell,Passau, Vienna and Budapest.
The food was excellent, cabins comfy, if smaller than on sea cruises, and the company very friendly and interesting, mainly Australian but also from Europe, New Zealand , and just a few Brits.
We had 9 excursions included in the price, but we also chose one more, to Bratislava, which was extremely interesting and humbling.
Our local guide told us of life under communist control, and the lack of freedom and variety and choice. She NEVER thought she would ever learn English and be allowed to travel to Austria and Italy!! It was like a miracle, and for months she would not believe the rumours that the Iron Curtain was being lifted!!
Our last night in Budapest was unforgettable. Our charming Serbian captain took us on a twilight cruise around Budapest to see all the old buildings floodlit. Parliament is built on the banks of the Danube,nd it’s golden shape was mirrored in the waters below. Thus was overlooked by a statue on the hill of a lady holding a palm branch, symbolising liberty AND peace!! I will never forget that beautiful sight and feel we are so lucky to be able to travel as much as we do.CARPE DIEM! That is my motto!!