I love the Autumn with all its colour. I’ve been walking through the woods regularly since my “review”:https://www.silvertraveladvisor.com/review/attraction/203727-review-brumby-wood in May. The bluebells and wild garlic have been replaced by ranker vegetation – particularly brambles and nettles, and the dense tree canopy made the woods seem dark and gloomy. They had also been ‘discovered’ by the local youths who had brought (and left behind) disposable barbecues and cans of beer.
With the colder weather they have now been reclaimed by the dog walkers and people like myself. At least there is less litter now…
The trees are beginning to change colour although many seem to be losing their leaves quickly before reaching their full colour. Colour seems to be best along the edges of the wood, possibly because there is more sunlight.
In previous years, there has always been plenty of different fungi to find. After all the rain I was disappointed as there were very few around and most of them were growing on fallen tree trunks.