I want to express my appreciation to a company for the thermal spa psoriasis treatment they arranged for me in Balikli Kaplica! I suffer from psoriasis and have had psoriasis over 98% of my body for many years. I have spent loads of money on different psoriasis treatment methods and nothing seemed to be as effective as the Kangal Fish treatment! The first night I used the Kangal spa treatment at Balikli, it completely took all the scales off my head! It was such a great feeling! I have been using the Balikli Thermal spa treatment for about 2 weeks and I am virtually scale free! I am extremely grateful for the precise arrangements made by this particular company I am talking about and I want to take the chance to recommend Balikli Kaplica to everyone having the same skin problem! Once again I want to thank them for everything you have done for me! It is really worth!