No online check-in offered but got an aisle seat at airport. Boarded by bus for this 0120 departure. Was an Embraer 190 with two seats either side so 50% seats are aisle.
Almost walked past my row 25, as it was the 11th row from front and I only started looking when half way along the ‘plane.
Comfortable seat standard legroom. No entertainment but wasn’t interested at this time of night and on a flight promising only 1 hour 10 minutes. Noted that seat recline was severley restricted on this the first short haul (hop more like) flight where I really wanted to recline and would have had no problem with the person in front of me doing the same! Recline was about 2cm.
Cabin was as new and had been kept clean.
Pushed back 5 mins before scheduled departure time.
On such a short flight, and in the wee sma’ hours, you could excuse having no trolley service – but out they came with a snack, T/coffee, soft drinks and alcohol (and yes, BA, all complimentary). And everyone who wanted anything got served – and the debris removed by the time the seat belts light came on for landing.
Touched down 15 mins before scheduled arrival time and off the plane shortly afterwards.