You'll find the Art Hotel in what was once East Berlin. But forget any hint of Soviet concrete: this is a modern hotel hiding behind an old facade.
Practicalities first: it's spotlessly clean, airy, and the staff are kind and speak good English. Internet access is free and slow, but it works. There's breakfast available, but it's optional – I don't eat enough first thing in the day to warrant the cost of a hotel breakfast but there's a lovely little cafe along the street. And there's a comprehensive dinner menu and a good bar.
What makes this hotel different is the modern art all over the walls. Every room has a modern painting.
Not all of us can make sense of modern art. I confess I find much of it confusing – all those lines and swirls and I haven't the faintest idea what the artist is getting at. But what I like about the art here is it is understated – almost unobtrusive. You can study it or simply let it be. But, in my opinion, it makes a great change from pictures of thatched cottages and hay wains.
It's very easy to get from the Art Hotel to anywhere in the city. There's a U-bahn station right outside, and but stops just up the road. I walked miles – my preferred way for exploring any city – and stumbled across some delightful corners of the city. I also did the open-topped bus tour and the river trip, but passed on many of the wonderful museums as it was so sunny I decided to sit about with a beer instead. (Maybe I should go in the winter next time.)