One thing you have to say about Antibes, Juan-les-Pins and the entire Côte d’Azur is that it is still as spectacular today as it was when the likes of Great Gatsby author F Scott Fitzgerald and his wife Zelda lived there back in the roaring 1920’s and while the rich Americans may have been replaced by Russian oligarchs and Chinese in industrialists it is easy to see where Fitzgerald got his inspiration for Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan. Max Ernst, Graham Greene and Picasso also spent time here with the Spanish artist my reason for descending on the town as after having visited the museum dedicated to his life in Malaga, Spain, I was keen to see some of his later political works that are on display in the towns Picasso museum. As a tip getting around and finding a place to park can be a nightmare especially during the summer so we made use of a service we used to pick us up at the airport called Nice Airport Transfers who provided us with a car and driver for the day. It took all the hassle out of driving and helped make this one of our best holidays ever.