This is a tribute to those who lost their lives on that fateful day, a date most people can recall. Prior to visiting be aware that you are better off booking a pass online for a time slot, otherwise you at at the mercy of the numbers game ($2 fee per pass) The entrance is on Liberty street and there is as previously mentioned, limited access to those without passes. Be prepared for security, 3 checks were made on the way in but once inside I found it a fitting tribute to those who lost their lives, peaceful and respectful. The reflection pools are a sobering sight, the names of the victims engraved around both pools. The main museum isnt yet open so it is currently crammed into the shop at the end as you leave the site this was busy. The site is level and suitable for limited mobility and toilets are available on the way in, there were no refreshments on site. A haven of tranquility and peace in a sea of skyscrapers.