Wildlife tourism involves witnessing wild animals in their natural surroundings. Some people believe that the wild beings should be left in their wilderness, undisturbed and undistracted, to live a life in accordance with the eco-system. Reason being that man usually tries to supersede nature and this has pushedmany animals towards the brink ofextinction. Thus, the animals should be let free to manage their own lives, deal with the Mother Nature and adapt or perish with its changes.
However, there is another perspective, which supports the wildlife tourism. It is considered by many people as a perfect means to promote conservation of wildlife. There are many rationales, which support this thought.
The national parks and sanctuaries demarcate certain areas, which are strictly meant for the wildlife to live and flourish. But the animal reserves need finances to function properly. They require various services and facilities like security, administration, medical care and so on.
The government has taken care of such establishments, but the funds are never enough, especially in a developing country. Hence, the funds collected through the tourists in the form of fees can be used for the proper maintenance of the wildlife parks and sanctuaries.
The Indian government fully backs the idea and promotes Indian wildlife tours on a large scale. The benefits from the wildlife tourism are twofold as not only the finances are being taken care of but the common folks are also acquainted with the significance of various species of flora and fauna. These tours help the people to remain in touch with the raw and untamed nature.
Moreover, a common man who is stuck in the humdrum of life and has forgotten the life beyond concrete and smoke can find freshness and tranquility while observing the creatures of the wild living in harmony with the nature. This very fact makes them fascinating to man. One gains consciousness regarding the way animals maintain the ecological balance, which is vital for any life form to sustain on Earth.
The traveler would not only enjoy an adventurous trip but would also get enlightened about the buzzing life of the jungle.
Indian Wildlife Reserves
There are more than 90 national parks and above 440 wildlife sanctuaries in India, which are inhabited by several fascinating species of plants and animal life. The endangered species like the Bengal tiger, Asiatic lions and one-horned rhinoceros are the major tourist pullers. The rarity of their appearance makes them exotic.
There are various wildlife tour packages, which are offered by numerous government and non-government agencies. These packages provide the tourists with various options for safari and accommodation according to their needs and requirements.
In today’s fast life where people don’t even have time to spend with their families; the only way to bring the concerns of wildlife into their minds is during the time of the holidays. It is the only time when the 21st century man can find some time to halt and look at the other side of the fence.
More about Jessica
Jessica Frei is a wildlife enthusiast and a travelogue too; she likes to travel different national parks and wildlife sanctuaries all over the globe. She is currently in India for her wildlife tour. She always shares her experience through articles and blogs.