Following the excellent number of votes from you all and the wonderful Awards event in 2015, at the fabulously atmospheric Dinosaur Gallery in the Natural History Museum, we weredelighted to host the 2016 Awards at the London Transport Museum on 22 June 2016.
Our host for the evening was actress Amanda Redman, MBE. Amanda said “it’s a real honour to be able to present the awards to companies and destinations who best support the mature traveller”.
The exhibits at the London Transport Museum really were amazing as you can see from the photographs: some of our partners realised their dreams of being bus conductors!
This year Silver Travellers have voted in 15 categories so that the very best in travel for the over 50s can be truly recognised and celebrated. Whether it’s cruise lines, escorted tours or UK destinations, we asked you who is going the extra mile for Silver Travellers.
Voting is now closed. See our shortlist of companies and destinations voted by Silver Travellers.
Read about our nominees for Exceptional Achievement Award 2016
Our Sponsors
Headline Sponsor
Bronze Sponsors
Champagne Reception Sponsor
Category sponsor – Best Rail Holiday Provider
Category sponsor – Best Specialist or Activity Tour Operator
Category sponsor – Best Overseas Destination
Category sponsor – Best City Breaks Operator
Category sponsor – Best Self-catering Accommodation
Category sponsor – Best Airline
Category sponsor – Best Car Hire Rental Company